22 Ekim 2008 Çarşamba

Poor Fenerbahçe

As you know Fenerbahçe won Turkish Cup on 15.06.1983 for the last time by beating Mersin İdman Yurdu.It's been 25 years since Fenerbahçe last won the cup. They played 5 final matches in this time but couldn't get one of them. Now lets see how was life like in this year, 1983:
---There wasn't a cabinet which was elected by public as a military coup took place in 12.09.1980 and from this time first election was held on 6.11.1983.
---Turkiye couldn't send parlamenter to the European Council.
---There wasn't a term of VAT(in Turkish KDV)
---It was forbidden to carry foreign exchange on you and foreign cigarettes were smuggled into country by illegal actions.
---Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge and a lot of motorways didn't exist at that time.
---Naim Süleymanoğlu was Bulgarian.
---There wasn't taximeter in taxis.
---National service was 20 months and it was counted from 600 days.
---There were 4 years to use sea buses, 9 years to use natural gas at home, 11 years to introduction of mobile phone in Turkiye and 6 years to birth of first tube baby in Turkiye.
---There were 7 years for Mandela's freedom.
---1 USD was 2548 liras, for today's currency 2,5 kuruş.
---HIV which leads to AIDS wasn't found.

This is funny hah? :D:D

Children's Terror Game

Pkk again used small children and put them in front lines in their protest show whose aim was to disorder the country.Pkk claimed that head of terrorists Apo was being treated badly. And they organised protest shows especially in South East Anatolia again using small children. They gave children stones and molotov cocktails then told them to throw this items. To do this children got money from Pkk and those who rejected this action were threatened. A boy who was one of the children that thrown stones and molotov cocktails to police said "Three men told us to shout like 'The biggest is Apo' . They said us that they would beat us if we didn't shout. So we were to join demonstraters."
Now can you see how they do this? We must control these areas and educate these children to make them patriots.

Beggar Bank!

A woman called Ayşe Elmas who is 85 was caught by municipal police in Ankara. The municipal police got shocked when they found 13,150 Turkish liras, 7 spiral bracelet, 17 Republic gold, 1 Ata lira and a quarter gold in her dress. She said that she wasn't a bagger and was laying by them!

GIRGIR is back :D

Turkiye's the most famous comic paper Gırgır is back now! It was first published in 1972. It has new humourist and layout now and it is thought that it will be as good as it used to be. What makes Gırgır, Gırgır is its character of making people think while making them laugh to the political and daily things at the same time. Gırgır will be published weekly on every friday.

21 Ekim 2008 Salı

Meeting In Yerevan

Armenian and Turkish scientist came together in Yerevan after Abdullah Gul's visit to Armenia. They decided to publish both Turkish and Armenian archives and get public opinion about relations between Turkey and Armenia. President of the Turkish committee of scientists, Professor Dr. Doğu Ergil replied a question which was asked by Akşam, a daily journal, saying "This organisation is arranged by German DVV International foundation which is centered in EU and doing studies in Caucasia. German foundation is studying about Turkish-Greek reconciliation for years. They came to me with the idea of a meeting with Armenian scientists and talk about our relations." He also added that there were 4 Turkish scientist. Scientist attended from Sabancı and Bilgi Universities that have international degrees on their branches. Project is being prepared and will start in 2009.

12 Ekim 2008 Pazar

Jindo Island - Ebb and Tide

A wonder like Moses' happens in South Korea. As you know he seperates a river into two parts. An island named Jindo near South Korea witnesses world's one of the amazing events. During ebb and tide the sea is seperated into two parts and land appears. The land that appears is 2.8 kilometres long and 40 metres wide. This event reminds us Moses' wonder. There is a festival organised at the time of ebb and tide. People flock to island at this times. Millions of people come to walk on the road which appears during ebb and tide.